Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Sunday's Meal

This coming Sunday is Pizza Sunday, each family is to bring a pizza or 2 depending on how much pizza your family eats. Other things that we may want to consider bringing: Salad n dressing, bread sticks, pop/drinks, dessert. We will be meeting at the Pollocks this week so bring along table service for your family so we don't dirty up the Pollocks dishes. We will most likely not have any college students this week unless someone new pops in so we don't need to plan for them.

Don't forget to be praying for each other this week as well as doing our 50 day adventure book.

See you Sunday,



  1. I would like to join you all. Where do the Pollocks live? As how does one keep a pizza warm through the morning? Maybe I should bring a salad.

  2. The Pollocks live right next to the church! Hurrah! As to keeping pizzas warm, I guess you could cook it at like 600 degrees and then maybe it would retain it's heat until lunch. On second thought...
