Monday, November 16, 2009

Empowering Ghana & Togo Prayer Card

Click on the top picture to learn more about our ministry.

The Phillips Family

Monday, November 2, 2009

Update on my Dad!

First I want to let you all know the video that I shot this week at small group will be up soon, I had to leave early as you already know and I wasn't able to get the video downloaded from the Pollock's camera. As soon as I can get it I will post it, unless Missi gets to it before me. I also wanted to let you know that my dad is doing pretty good so far. We are still not sure what it is that he has but hopefully some results from his blood work will come back soon. He was resting well both times I was there yesterday, which is a good thing. Hopefully this is just a minor case of the flu or bronchitis. I will keep you informed as I learn more, please continue to pray for both he and my mom as she continues to care for him. She does not need to get sick, as she will not allow herself the time she needs to get better.

Gary Phillips

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

How Cool!!!!

Hey Everyone, (menu at bottom of post)

How cool! We were all there on Sunday (27 of us !), minus Cole & Taylor. We missed you Cole & Taylor!

Gary, thanks for sharing about your trip to Africa. We will all be praying for you and how we should support you and your family. Matt, thanks for sharing what is happening in Awana. It is awesome how our church is learning how to better reach out to the neighborhood kids. Michelle, thanks for telling us about being a big sister at the girl's treatment center. We will be praying for you and your group from CU, that you can have a very real impact on the girls that you are mentoring. Lindsey, we will be praying for you as you learn to balance your college work with other aspects of life. We will pray that the Lord will show you how He might want you to be involved in the lives of children, in order to impact the world for Him. Shannon, thanks for sharing about the community dinners and encouraging each of us to pray about how we might become involved.

Something to think about... It doesn't take formal involvement in a ministry to impact the people around you for Christ. Sometimes God calls us in to a specific area of ministry so that He can reach a certain people group through us. However, sometimes He calls us to NOT be involved in an organized ministry, because He has given us a calling to minister to those we come into contact with on a daily basis. I would encourage each of us to pray and ask the Lord to help us to know for certain where He is blessing our involvement in the lives of others.

Now onto our menu..........

How about tacos???

We, the Pollocks, will have hard and soft taco shells, drinks, and shredded cheese.

Can some folks bring the following? (Keep in mind we may have about 30 people if we invite an extra guest or two to lunch.) (p.s. the purpose of this is not to make our group larger, but to make sure that if we have a visitor to church or someone in need of a meal, that they are made to feel welcomed and cared for at EBC...)

*3 or 4 people to bring 3 or 4 pounds each of seasoned ground beef or chicken strips
*seasoned refried beans
*shredded lettuce
*chopped onions
*diced tomatoes
*sour cream
*taco sauce
*2 bags of tortilla chips
*paper plates
*plastic forks
*paper napkins
*plastic cups
*anything else???

I hope you all are having a great week! It is my weekend to work, so I probably won't see you Sunday, but I will be praying for our group while I'm working!

In Christ,
Missi Pollock


What a sad blog! Only a couple of participants. Its okay, Gary. I'll make a comment just to keep it going, and add some incentive to keep viewing!!! (See picture.)

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Fruity Boogey!

Hey Shannon, is that a grape in your nose or did Missi punch you? LOL!

Good Job Missi, I am glad you stepped up to the plate on this challenge, now take the plate of Grapes away from Shannon before he suffocates.

Can't wait til Sunday, what is the Menu for this week?

I really don't like making a post without a picture so I added this image for everyone to look at, I took this photo while on a missions trip in France 2 years ago. We were at a very old Catholic monastery that was sitting in the middle of the English Channel on an island not much larger than the castle like structure. You could only reach the place during low tide, if you didn't leave before high tide you would have to get a room at the inn that was at the base of the monastery. We got out in time, but not before I was able to get some nice images. Hope you enjoy this one, it is one of my fav's.


Challenge Accepted

Look closely at Big Shan's nose. How can someone so adorable be so

silly? In case you don't know him well, he is a clown!!!!!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Congrats Missi

I am glad you finally got yourself up to speed. I am also proud of you of submitting a post, I was beginning to think I was going to be the only one submitting articles to the blog. However I am deleting a part of your blog but don't take it personal. I received an email right after starting the blog and that said that some of the group was not comfortable with their prayer request going on the blog. So until we have had a time to talk about with the entire small group I think we should not put up the prayer requests. If these were from this past Sunday could you send them around via email to everyone in the group? Now I am going to challenge you to submit an article to the blog with a picture attached. See you Sunday.

If you want to check this blog out,


Highlights from Sunday October 18

Hey Gary,

I finally did it. After much complaining and cinicism (is that how you spell that?) I finally joined the groupie blog. It really was painless. I guess I must be "hip" now, cuz I joined my first blog. I just hope I remember my password:)

Anyway, it was so great to be back at small group this week. It is the highlight of our week to spend time with you all talking about the Lord and how He is moving in each of our lives.

Have a great week!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

I Missed Out

Well small groupies I feel like I missed out, I have really been enjoying the small group times so far this year. I am disappointed that I was not able to have pizza with you this week. I am good for Chili for next week, chili is my favorite. We were supposed to be out of town but we changed the dates for our trip, so we will be able to be at small group next week. I would love to be able to update the blog with the goings on of our latest small group but I can't. If anyone who was there would like to make a post to share what you did today that would be great. If anyone took pictures or video that would be even better. See you all next week if I don't see you sooner.


Thursday, October 15, 2009

Welcome to the blog Anna

I am not sure how to keep a pizza warm for long, so I intend to buy a couple right after the morning service. You are welcome to bring a salad if you would like, that would probably be good. As for the location well it is pretty easy to get to the Pollocks, they live in the church house located in the adjacent church lot. Can walk there in less than 60 seconds, unless you are a very slow walker. Glad to hear that you will be visiting us again.

Photoman - AKA - Gary Phillips
The photo has nothing to do with the post I just liked it and thought I would post it.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Sunday's Meal

This coming Sunday is Pizza Sunday, each family is to bring a pizza or 2 depending on how much pizza your family eats. Other things that we may want to consider bringing: Salad n dressing, bread sticks, pop/drinks, dessert. We will be meeting at the Pollocks this week so bring along table service for your family so we don't dirty up the Pollocks dishes. We will most likely not have any college students this week unless someone new pops in so we don't need to plan for them.

Don't forget to be praying for each other this week as well as doing our 50 day adventure book.

See you Sunday,


Sunday, October 11, 2009

Small Groupies Video Test Post

This is a test video, the sound is not very good but I wanted to load it to see if it would work on the blog. If it works I will be making more small videos to post on the blog each week. I would like to post some videos of some of our groupies sharing their testimonies.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Menu for this Sunday

Lentil Soup
Ham and Soup Beans with Cornbread
Ice Cream

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

50 Day Spiritual Adventure

At E.B.C. (Emmanuel Baptist Church) we are currently on a spiritual adventure. We have embarked upon the 50 Day Spiritual Adventure study guide "The Church You've Always Longed For". I can honestly say that I am excited about where this adventure can take our church. If a small part of our church takes this study serious and really tries to apply ourselves to the truths that it teaches us I believe we will see God move in our church in ways that only God can fathom. If our whole church takes this study seriously, well lets just say that I believe we could see miracles happening in our church on a regular basis. My prayer is that I personally will take this study to heart and that I will learn to listen with God's ears of compassion, to hear what others around me are really saying and to respond with a heart that cares the way Christ cares. I don't put myself above anyone at my church I need this adventure as much or more than anyone so I covet your prayers as I undertake this 50 day spiritual adventure myself.

Photoman - AKA - Gary Phillips

Welcome Small Groupies

Welcome to our Blog I intend to use this blog to keep track of things that are going on in our small group. I am not sure how this will work to be honest but it is something that I wanted to try and do for fun. So I would like to encourage you all to bring small group with you each week and take pictures of our group as we fellowship and talk and just hang out and eat. Then we will get some of the images up on the blog and share them with each other and hopefully the entire church. So lets just have fun with this and see what it shapes up to be in the end.

Photoman - AKA - Gary Phillips